Thursday, September 10, 2009

Lake O'Hara (Wildlife)

Lake O'Hara has critters to view as well as scenery. Some, such as bears, we stay away from and have not actually seen. Birds, especially in spring, make wonderful melodies but do not sit still for long. Here are some of my better shots, among the several years we've been there. Some shows, such as wrestling marmots, we've seen only once:

We assume that this is a springtime territorial or mating behavior. Here's a closeup of the hoary marmot in its native habitat:
We were accosted on one hike, as we rested and ate lunch, by a fearless pika.

At the top of Odaray Grandview, we were once inspected by a raven perched on a marker cairn:

I am just as glad not to have that bear photo. We've seen plenty of bear sign (recent scat, overturned ground) and that's plenty.

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