Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Chasing Lucy is here!

I’m pleased to announce that my memoir, Chasing Lucy, is now available on Amazon.com.

To find it, I recommend searching for “Chasing Lucy Benson Branch”, or you can just click on this link: https://tinyurl.com/mf7dbxcm. Both eBook and paperback editions are there.

What is the memoir about? I’ll copy the back-page blurb here. It’s written in a blurb-ese tone, of course:

Black market drugs – first marijuana, then psychedelics. Ben was searching for something, a deeper sense of meaning. Then he stumbles across Transcendental Meditation (TM), which enables him to quit drugs and excel in university. While living a normal life of employment and marriage, he continues on a fifty-year journey towards enlightenment, diving into Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's teachings, joining retreats, and acquiring advanced practices such as the TM-Sidhi program. While this path sustains him, the road holds potholes as well as smooth paths. He encounters both fascinating experiences and bitter disappointments. He wonders how to resolve all this into a coherent vision, as you will see in this memoir.

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