Today two green trucks roared into our neighborhood, one towing a huge crane and one towing a beefy chipper. Our neighbor two doors to the north had harbored dead ash trees behind his house for a few years, victims of the emerald ash borer, and a month or two ago his luck ran out. An ash around which his deck had been built toppled and dented his roof; fortunately, it didn't have enough momentum to crash into the attic. Major parts from other ashes were either on his roof or suspended above it by means of branches entangled with other dead ashes.
A basic cleanup of the damage had been done, but the skeletons of several ashes still loomed, menacing, over the house. Today was tree removal day, big time.
The crane fit between the afflicted home and the one north.
Tree trunks began to come down in segments.
Here, the top of the second tree to be removed has been hoisted over the house, and is swinging towards the chipper.
Feeding into the chipper, with the cooperation of the crane. Partway through the branches will be cut off with a chainsaw.
Here is a video clip of some of the proceedings; there are two parts separated by a brief fade-out.
Wow! I'm glad I wasn't in the house next door.
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