Monday, October 30, 2023

Arctic Traverse: Antarctic Havn

 On September 15, 2022, we explored the natural harbor named "Antarctics Hamn" after the ship Antarctic, which anchored there in August 1899 during the search for survivors of Andrée's Arctic balloon expedition of 1897.
A yellow circle marks the Havn.
Our general location in the Arctic ... click on the image to enlarge.
The straight black line ends in a dot at Havn.
The original plan was to go ashore this morning, but the scouts reported that there was fog moving in,
and the walking conditions were poor.
Instead, we heard two engrossing presentations. Ezra Siegel kept our attention as he described the first crossing of Greenland by Nansen, traversing from east to west. Kathryn Sullivan, especially known for being the first female spacewalker during the astronaut phase of her career, gave us a much better understanding of the phenomenon of the auroras.

When Joan and I returned to our cabin, we discovered that when it had been made up, the two pigs traveling with us (Squealer, left, and Poppy) and the walrus (Wally) given us by Lindblad had moved into a bathrobe condo.
Or had they moved themselves?
After lunch, it was time to explore the fjord by kayak or by zodiac.
The gang spread out.
We opted for a zodiac ride.
There was plenty to see.
And ours was not the only zodiac.
Getting closer to the biggies.
In addition to the icebergs, occasional structures popped up along the shoreline.
The ubiquitous jellyfish were here as well.
The corralled kayaks at the end of the excursions.
The post-dinner view was fabulous: pink sunset and shaded, retreating glacier. It lured us into watching the scene's spectrum shift minute by minute as the sun sank.
Another great day! The pigs and walrus agree.

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