Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Repaving our Street

The city of Reynoldsburg pegged our street as one to repave this year. Work started in mid June, and it was thorough. Carried away were any curbs with a crack in them, hammered out and lifted away in pieces up to six feet wide; sidewalk corners not ADA compliant, plus six feet on either side; the top two inches of old pavement, slowly chewed up. It was all exciting, especially when a deep trench where the curb had been blocked half the mouth of our driveway. The street, clogged with equipment, was often, in effect, a single lane.

I took some photos and a video clip when the top coat of new asphalt was put down in front of our house on June 29.

Waiting for more asphalt

Lined up for action.
Here's the action clip.

The new surface is spectacular, particularly for our bikes, but the contractor didn't fill the voids around the new ADA curbs and our neighbor's drain pipe until July 6th. Before:

The filling process:

Once the grass seed is sprayed, it will be finally finished.

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