Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter Toad, Easter Owls

On the afternoon of Easter Sunday we looked out upon our deck, and saw a toad soaking up some rays!

I also got a snapshot from the other side. (All these photos were taken through windows, because I was certain that to step outside would make Mr. Toad leap away.)

The most common toad in Ohio is the American Toad, and the pointed warts on the hind limbs are characteristic, but the color makes me think more of a Fowler's Toad (also common). Our field guides were not much help in distinguishing the two from a distance. Where is a naturalist when you need one?

The toad was happy to stay on the railing for a while. Then we noticed that a beetle had walked up and begun nibbling at the toad.

What, we wondered, was the beetle after? Dead skin, or algae, or parasites? Where was that naturalist?!

At one point the beetle moved to the front.

Would that count as a pedicure?

Later in that afternoon everybody was gone. Watch out for the owls, Mr. Toad! Yes, two of them! (Look to far left and far right of this picture, taken later in the day.)

They're keeping both eyes open, Mr. Toad.

We hope we get a glimpse of the barred owl chicks this year.

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