Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Spring Wildflower Walk

A couple of days ago Joan and I took a quick swing through the small woods behind our house to check on the spring wildflowers. Spring beauties are all through the area.
Joan spotted some wild ginger, which blooms close to the ground.
Here's a closer view of the flower.
Some sections were carpeted with mayapples.
One was already setting a blossom.
It is also a good year for Dutchman's Breeches. Actually, it has been an astonishing two weeks since the end of March. It is as if we jumped from February temperatures to June.
Similar to Dutchman's at a casual glance, but morphed, is squirrel corn.
Joan's keen eye spotted a Solomon's Seal.
A phlox, too.
Near the back of the woods, closer to a small creek, were some Virginia bluebells.
A sign of the early warmth ... a solitary (so far) trout lily flowering.
An out-of-focus violet violet. The colors are enchanting.
It was a satisfying walk, especially knowing that all too soon these ephemerals will die back and the poison ivy will be sprouting. Meanwhile, Joan and I have spent time this week plucking out garlic mustard on our property -- the warm weather is encouraging it to set seed early -- and we aren't through yet!

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